Not Just Mechanical- Feb 2022
December 2021 Edition
Not just Mechanical Edition 2 (September 2021)
Not Just Mechanical 1st Edition
ARK Leaflet April 2020

Newsletter April 2020

Automotive repairs regarded as an essential service
Automotive Repairs and Maintenance are regarded as essential services at this time. Generally keeping a vehicle maintained or serviced or having repairs, when needed, assists its reliability and safety as well as being in a roadworthy condition. If your car is not operational you may have to use public transport or not be able to travel when needed.

We have recently been asked are we still open and can customers bring their vehicles down to the workshop. Our understanding is that we an essential service and to drop the vehicle off and collect is a reasonable excuse to travel. To that end we have provided below the latest instruction we have received.
If you are an at risk customer because of age or other health reasons, we can (by arrangement) do a pick up and drop off service within around 10kms of the workshop (at no extra charge) with virtually no contact with you other than the collection of the car key.
We clean the touch points on the car including door handles, steering wheel, handbrake, indicators and operational buttons and switches before and after the repair and maintenance.

TESTING, INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION SERVICES- Coronavirus (COVID19) update received by ARK Automotive from RMS.
This information explains how current laws concerning the Coronavirus outbreak apply to businesses undertaking the following government services: Safer Drivers Course, Motorcycle Rider Training Scheme, Heavy Vehicle Competency Based Assessment Scheme, Older Driver Assessor Driving Instructors, Vehicle Safety Compliance Certification Scheme, Authorised Inspection Stations, accessing government services.
New laws took effect on 31 March 2020 which require people to remain at home unless they have a reasonable excuse such as travelling to work or shopping for food. Those laws also provide that a person may leave their house to use a public service whether the public service is provided by the government or by a service provider (such as you) on behalf of government. Transport for NSW considers the services listed above to be important public services which your customers may still lawfully access. You may continue to run your business.
Update to our valued customers (April 2020)
To our valued customers,
Our customers and staff members are important to us. This is why we respectfully ask that you please contact us and reschedule if you are feeling unwell.
In line with the NSW Department of Health we request that if you have travelled from overseas recently or are in isolation or quarantine that you rebook your existing appointment for another time.
Also in line Government guidelines, we are an essential service and you are permitted to drop the vehicle off for repairs, pink slips and maintenance and to pick it up.
We are taking these precautions to protect both our team and their families and our customers and their families, especially those that are elderly, with other risk factors including those with suppressed immune systems.
We practise social distancing and request that you alert us if you are in a hurry as we currently prefer only one customer at a time in the check in area.
Please note your vehicles are cleaned at all touch points before and after each service and repair with antimicrobial cleaners.
Thank you for your understanding.
For further information visit…/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov
Kind regards,
Anthony and the Team
ARK Automotive has turned green!
No we are not talking about all the rain- although how good is the rain?!?
We are talking about our Green initiatives. Many would think a mechanical workshop is not a very green place to be, but at ARK Automotive we want to challenge that. Over the past 12 months we have looked at the way we do things to make ourselves more eco-friendly.
Bins: there can be a lot of waste running a business in our case most of the waste is cardboard. Since purchasing a paper bin we have dropped our landfill collections from once a fortnight to once a month! We are also trialling a coffee pod collection bin and a soft plastic bin in February.
Technology: We have swapped our search engine from Google to Ecosia. Ecosia are a company which plants a tree for every search you do. In the month of January all searches went toward planting a tree in NSW, Australia. they have planted 83 million trees worldwide to date and this only creeps up and up and up!
For more information about the work Ecosia do click here.
Car Washing: your complimentary wash and vac have become even better. The water is rainwater collected from Anthony’s parent’s garage roof (thank you parentals!)
Lighting: We have swapped out the old globes on all of our lights for environmentally friendly alternatives, which last longer and shine brighter so we can fix your cars with ease!